Do You Meet These

CriteriaTo Purchase:

___________________________________________#1 - Customer List of 1000+

#2 - Sold Over $250k

#3 - Sent Over A Million Emails

*(If this is NOT you then DO NOT PURCHASE)


When you DO meet ALL the criteria above this could be the most profitable 7 minutes you may ever have.

(The video is only 6:48 long)

The great thing is that it is proven several times and I have found it in EVERY list that has met the criteria above.

Each time it has produced over $15k in revenue out of the gate and prevented revenue loss

See the image below where I implemented this and found $1,383,751.96 (screenshot below) in customer value.

Your Image

I know it may sound hypey but I have the credentials and been inside many lists and found it EVERY TIME.

(see my client list below)

You are not going to be different.

(If you are let me know and show me then I will come back and update this page)

A quick bio:

My name is Jonathan Drake

I have worked internally with some of the biggest lists and names in the Online Marketing World over the last 10+ years.

A short list of my clients are:

Perry Marshall, Todd Brown, Justin Brooke, Samcart,, Jon Morrow, Ash Maurya, Jack Born, Jermaine Griggs, André Chaperon - they all meet the criteria above ;)

I found that my willingness to delve deeply into not just the how but the why has led me down many paths. I focus on helping companies to grow in not just revenue but in positioning in a marketplace. I create and then help to implement strategies like Hourscore, Reviving Dead Email lists and Hard Bounce Magic.

You can get access to what my personal clients have already been implementing and obviously not sharing as everyone I have shared this with has never heard of it and surely was not using it.

After proving this time and time again I have decided to share it (along with the Bonus: Juice Your List Strateg(this works great before and after a promo as well)

I built a training around it (the training itself is under 7 minutes and includes how to do it step by step with the top email providers) and for now as my Needle Mover #3

"When it comes to optimizing marketing campaigns for maximum profits, there are few people who know more about the science of conversions than Jonathan Drake"

Todd Brown

"Jonathan is one of few strategists I know that has the unique ability of drawing wisdom, knowledge, and application from such a diverse, eclectic body of work. He brings to the table a wide array of perspectives and strategies that have not only helped me solve complex problems but those of my clients and colleagues as well"

Jermaine Griggs
Founder - &

Over the years Jonathan has put new technology and key innovations on my radar months or even a year before the rest of the world caught on. Just to name a few... retargeting for product launches... high conversions through page speed... email send windows for higher engagement. If you find and attract new clients online and especially if you use email marketing then you should listen to what Jonathan has to say.

Jack Born
Founder -

Here's Everything You Get...

Needle Mover #1

Hard Bounce Magic

Everything you need to know in an under 7 minute video explaining the way and reason Hard Bounce Magic works and how to implement it in your email database.

Your Image

Bonus #1: Juice Your List Email

This is the go to for every list that needs to be Revived. It also works great for a nice boost of engagement BEFORE & After a Promo.

<--**Blurred out Juice Your List Email

Your Image

Bonus #2: 1 Hour Call With Me

During this call we will implement this on your email database, and may have time left over to discuss any other Email issues.



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